Episode 55: 1776 and 17776: What football will look like in the future

 As the leaves change, our thoughts turn to comparing two pieces of media with 7s in their titles and also years as titles. Also in this episode, Jeremy and Mike taste some seasonal treats in a new edition of Snack Attack. Enjoy!

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Show Notes

The link for 17776: https://www.sbnation.com/a/17776-football

Jon Bois's Breaking Madden series: https://www.sbnation.com/breaking-madden

Fact check express: https://declaration.fas.harvard.edu/blog/facts-1776

The New Yorker article on 17776:https://www.newyorker.com/culture/rabbit-holes/the-experimental-fiction-that-imagines-football-obsessed-americans-in-the-extremely-distant-future 

All past episodes here: https://thecatopodcast.blogspot.com/

Jeremy's links: 

His podcast- https://sorrypleasecontinue.libsyn.com/

His twitter- https://twitter.com/JeremyHellwig

